Peter Laws | Notes from the Links

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Day in my life

Hey everyone,

I know I haven't updated my blog in a while but I'll make a conscious effort to update it more often. Today I'm just going to outline a typical day for me. I'm down here in sunny Palm Beach Gardens, Fl. I woke up around 7am this morning, made myself a small protein shake and ate a fairly large breakfast and hour later. I was in the gym by 9 am, doing some stretches and 930 I was getting my lift on. Today I did partial deadlifts, narrow neutral grip chin-ups, powell raise, sidelying pullovers, bicep curls and wrist extensions. Now I'm back in my apartment, made myself another shake and in about an hour or so I'll make myself some food and I'll be off to the course for the rest of the day. I probably won't be home till 6 or so, really depends on the weather down here as storms normally roll through here in the afternoon.

Being a professional golfer has been a very interesting experience so far. I must say that I thought I would have been further along in my career at this point but it just simply hasn't happened. It is definitely not from a lack of hard work, that is for sure. There are a lot of talented golfers out there just like me. Actually I think we have a lot of very talented Canadians, I'm actually a little surprised not more of us have "made it" yet. Graham Delaet has really been the only guy I've seen really break through so to speak. It is very encouraging to see that and I hope he gets healthy and gets back out there because he's got tons of game and I only think he's shown a glimpse of what he can do.

Well that's all for now. If you have any topics you want me to write about, or questions. Please feel free to let me know. I'll try my best to think of a new topic to write about very soon.

Pete Laws

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