Peter Laws | Notes from the Links

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dodging the Swine Flu in Mexico

“Wash your hands!” “Don’t share the same glass!” “Cover your cough!” So my mother goes on. She can’t help herself because of her public health background. But, now that I’m in Mexico with the Canadian Tour, her pleas for keeping out of harm’s way are getting my attention.

This swine flu scare makes it tougher for travelling in Mexico. But, if we follow some of the basics, we should be alright. Today, my family doc added a few more preventive measures:
-use a saline nasal spray. Viruses and bacteria don’t like that kind of environment;
-avoid food and beverages at airports (bring my own from the resort);
-use a mask on an airplane when travelling around Mexico and when I leave Mexico. The air circulation system spreads the “bugs’ around;
-if you have to cough, do it in your sleeve.

After having a bad case of food poisoning earlier this year, I’m a convert to these simple ideas. But, easier said than done.

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