Peter Laws | Notes from the Links

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Weather and Travel

It’s hot and muggy most of the time now in Florida. Rain is more common. We live every day with the threat of thunderstorms or worse. So, we tee off earlier to get ahead of bad weather. On the bright side, I’m getting some good practice in playing under less than ideal conditions.

Other news: I’ll be traveling to Canada a couple of times in July. I’m taking advantage of a break in the summer Grey Goose Gateway Tour schedule. I’ll visit my family, friends and coach, Steve Chapman at Glen Abbey in Oakville. On July 25th, I have the opportunity to contribute to one of Bell’s charitable events—see

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Keeping Focused

The advantage of having a break is time to reflect. Last month was busy with trying to get into the US Open and Nationwide events while playing on the Grey Goose Tour. I came really close so that was encouraging.

But, the running around makes it hard to focus on the game. From what I read in the newspapers, new PGA players struggle with the hectic schedule, last minute decisions of the organizers and all the new courses they’ve never played on. I got a taste of what’s to come!

After my visit to Toronto to see my coach, family and friends, I decided to hunker down and focus on the Gateway Tour this summer. It’ll be good for my game. The players on the Tour are top notch. They don’t give an inch. It’s a great place to learn about what it takes to be a pro.