Peter Laws | Notes from the Links

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Banging at golf balls for better or worse

I’ve probably hit about one million golf balls on the practice range since I got the bug at age 13. At a local golf club in Horny Ontario where I started I had so much fun banging away and then going around the golf course with some of the older guys who took me under their wings. After, I’d go back at it trying to perfect my shots.

My mother had a hard time getting me off the range every day during those long summer days. She patiently waited until I finally gave in to the night’s darkness.

So, it’s no surprise that the “banging away” caught up to me in the last year or so. My back swing has taken a beating with the muscles tightening up and screaming at me sometimes. At the second stage of PGA Q-school last year, I knew I needed to do something different in my practice and fitness. The muscles were giving me unhappy messages.

Fortunately, I’ve been working with some great trainers to ease the pain and heal the muscles. By keeping careful records of how my body reacts after different swings, my fitness coaches have been able to give me specific advice as to what to change.

It’s a bit of a journey but things are definitely improving. Dealing with injuries is just part of any athlete’s life. It sure wears on my patience though. I chomp at the bit to compete every day!!

I’ve had some fun in the meantime to keep my game sharp - putting contests, one-day events and friendly rounds with golf pros and teachers and guys that love to play golf whenever they can fit it in.

Now I’m easing my way back to the big time.

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